Release Information
Version: 1.5.0
Release Type: General Availability
Latest Update: 24th March 2025

Version History

  1. Beta 1 released on dated 2nd March 2025
  2. RC 1 released on dated 14th March 2025
  3. GA 1 released on 24th March 2025


  1. Services Suspension exempt based on user groups.

  2. Pricing Slabs added for Products & Domains.

  3. Pricing auto calculation during TLD price changes based on the 1st row.

  4. Pricing Slabs added in Client Roles/Groups Form.

  5. Auto Invoices creation based on prices at the time of purchase or current price under client products/domains in the admin section.

  6. Domains reseller module added, allowing resellers to sell domains to their clients using your reseller module via their WHASOLS system or site.
    6.1. Domain Registration
    6.2. Domain Renewal
    6.3. Domain Transfer
    6.4. DNS Updation
    6.5. EPP Code fetching
    6.6. Contact Info Updation
    6.7. Contact Info Fetching
    6.8. Pricing Sync
    6.9. Domain Expiry Sync
    6.10. Domain Transfer Sync
    6.11. Domain Availability Check
    6.12. Domain Transfer Status (Lock/Unlock)

  7. Products reseller module added, allowing resellers to sell your products to their clients using your reseller module via their WHASOLS system or site.
    7.1. Account Creation
    7.2. Account Termination
    7.3. Account Suspend
    7.4. Account Unsuspend
    7.5. Account Renew
    7.6. Client area management
    7.7. Client Single Sign-On
    7.8. Admin Single Sign-On
    7.9. Account usage stats updation
    7.10. Admin & client area custom action

  8. Reseller center features added, allowing customers to enable reseller center pages in the client area for managing IP whitelisting, reseller key generation, and API documentation.

  9. Files & Gallery optimized, with new icons and extensions added.

  10. Tooltip width and direction adjustment within modals/pages in the admin area.

  11. Servers selection & validation.
    11.1. Servers dropdown is hidden if the module doesn't require a server.
    11.2. Validation of server selection at the time of manual order processing implemented as flexible.

  12. Prices update on the TLD & Product prices tab based on base currency price changes. If you want to update values based on the 1st-row price input in the pricing table and adjust the -1 field value as well, check the mentioned checkboxes.

  13. Mail deletion feature added, which deletes the original email after importing it as a ticket if deletion is enabled under Support Departments → Department (Edit).

  14. Forward an email to open a ticket. If an admin/agent sends an email to a customer and the customer replies or forwards it to the admin/agent, the system will import the email and create a ticket on behalf of the customer instead of the admin/agent. This feature also strips out the "FWD" information and extracts the "from" email address.

  15. Ticket reply email limits applied per 15 minutes. Settings can be changed under General Settings → Support Tab (Need better control for bounce messages in the ticket system).

  16. Hyperlink and images imported in tickets via email piping, preventing XSS attacks while keeping URLs and images safe.

  17. Support Ticket Feedback Feature added.
    17.1. Support Ticket Feedback Form & Page added in the client area for collecting client feedback.
    17.2. Feedback display for admins on the support ticket page under the Feedback Tab.
    17.3. Feedback & Ratings displayed to admins in the support dashboard under the Feedback Tab.

  18. Knowledgebase link extra "/" slash issue fixed during insertion in the support ticket reply box.

  19. Recent blocked & skipped mail import failures widget added to the support dashboard, showing the 10 most recent failures due to spam controls (excluding mailer-daemon bounces to reduce email loops).

  20. UTF-8 character processing improved during ticket processing.

  21. Read and add CC (Carbon Copy) recipients from incoming emails for tickets opened via email (Fixed).

  22. Prevent email replies from reopening closed tickets and instead send an advisory email to open a new ticket or update the existing ticket for clients (Fixed).

  23. Ticket creation limit via email piping set to 15 minutes (Fixed).

  24. Stop cron jobs from running twice—if a cron job is already in progress, the system will skip starting a new instance until the current one completes.

  25. Auto-update exchange rates daily using FloatRates FEED (Module Added).

  26. Bulk Domain Renewal added for clients via Client Area → My Domains (May increase payment gateway fees).

  27. Cancel domain invoice on transferred-away status—when a domain is marked as transferred away, the associated unpaid invoice is marked as canceled. (Settings available under Domain Reminder & Sync Settings → Automation Settings).

  28. Cancel domain invoice on domain expiration—when a domain expires via cron job, the associated unpaid invoice is marked as canceled. (Settings available under Domain Reminder & Sync Settings → Automation Settings).

  29. Notify clients before their account is automatically deleted via email. (Settings available under Data Retention Settings → Automation Settings).

  30. Improved Account Credits handling in the client area (Clients can apply credits to invoices).

  31. RDAP Whois query integration added to improve domain searches. WHASOLS now supports the RDAP protocol with or without fallback to the Whois system.

  32. Cache implementation in WHASOLS.
    32.1. WHASOLS now supports Redis or Memcached caching, with fallback to session storage if both are unavailable. This improves speed, performance, and reduces DB load.
    32.2. Cache recreation task added, running every 15 minutes.
    32.3. Redis & Memcached connection settings are automatically configured during WHASOLS installation. Existing users must manually configure their .env file. WHASOLS also uses standard values for Redis & Memcached if no settings are provided in .env.
    32.4. Redis & Memcached connection settings for .env file:
  33. Captcha Validation (Fixed).

  34. SMS Manager Fixes:
    34.1. Missing Order Template ID fixed.
    34.2. Client actual password was sent instead of an encrypted password (Fixed).


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We appreciate your ongoing support and usage of WHMSOLS. We hope you find satisfaction in the latest version!