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New Features

  1. Services Suspension exempt based on user groups
  2. Pricing Slabs added for Products & Domains.
  3. Pricing auto calculation during TLD prices changes based on 1st Row.
  4. Pricing Slabs added in Client Roles/Groups Form.
  5. Auto Invoices creation based on prices at the time of purchase or current price under client products/domain in admin section
  6. Domains reseller module added, allowing your reseller to sell domains to their clients using your reseller module via their WHASOLS system or site.
    1. Domain Registration
    2. Domain Renewal
    3. Domain Transfer
    4. DNS Updation
    5. EPP Code fetching
    6. Contact Info Updation
    7. Contact Info Fetching
    8. Pricing Sync
    9. Domain Expiry Sync
    10. Domain Transfer Sync
    11. Domain Availability Check
    12. Domain Transfer Status (Lock/Unlock)
  7. Products reseller module added, allowing your reseller to sell your products to their clients using your reseller module via their WHASOLS system or site.
    1. Account Creation
    2. Account Termination
    3. Account Suspend
    4. Account Unsuspend
    5. Account Renew
    6. Client area management
    7. Client Single sign-on
    8. Admin Single sign-on
    9. Account usage stats updation
    10. Admin & client area custom action
  8. Reseller center features added which you can enable in customer profile.
  9. Files & Gallery optimized with new icons and extensions.
  10. Tooltip width and direction adjustment within modals/pages in admin area.
  11. Servers selection & validation.
    1. Servers dropdown hides if module doesn’t require a server.
    2. Validation of server selection at the time of order manual processing.
  12. Prices updation on TLD & Product prices tab based on base currency price change.
  13. Mail deletion feature added after import to the system as a ticket.
  14. Forward an email to open a ticket, ensuring proper sender identification.
  15. Ticket reply email limits applied per 15 minutes.
  16. Hyperlink and images imported in tickets via email piping with security measures.
  17. Support Ticket Feedback Feature added.
    1. Feedback Form & page added in client area.
    2. Feedback displayed to admin under Feedback tab.
    3. Feedback & Ratings displayed in support dashboard.
  18. Knowledgebase link extra slash issue fixed.
  19. Recent blocked & skipped mail import failures widget added.
  20. UTF8 characters cut during ticket processing.
  21. Carbon copy recipients from incoming emails now added in tickets.
  22. Prevent email replies from re-opening closed tickets.
  23. Ticket creation limit via email piping within 15 minutes.
  24. Prevent duplicate cron job executions.
  25. Automatic exchange rate updates daily with FloatRates FEED.
  26. Bulk Domain Renewal feature for Clients in client area.
  27. Cancel domain invoice on transferred away or expired domains.
  28. Notify clients before automatic account deletion.
  29. Better use of Account Credits in client area.
  30. RDAP Whois query integration for improved domain searches.
  31. Cache implemented in WHASOLS.
    1. Uses Redis or Memcached, with session as fallback.
    2. Cache recreation task runs every 15 minutes.
    3. Automatic Redis & Memcached connection settings.
  32. Captcha Validation Fixed.
  33. SMS Manager Fixes.
    1. Orders template ID missing.
    2. Client actual password sent instead of encrypted password.