
The following parameters are passed to the your payment gateway module functions along with all defined configuration parameters and their values.

Gateway Variables

    // Gateway Parameters
    $gateway_id= $arg['gateway']['id'];
    $title= $arg['gateway']['title'];
    //gateway parameter have gateway configuration parameters

Credit Card Variables

    // Card Parameters
    $cardtype= $arg['cardtype']; //string The card type (for example, Visa or MasterCard).
    $cardnum= $arg['cardnum']; //string	The card number.
    $cardexp= $arg['cardexp']; //string	The card expiry date (format: MMYY).
    $cardstart= $arg['cardstart']; //string The card start date (format: MMYY).
    $cardissuenum= $arg['cardissuenum']; //string The card issue number.
    $cccvv= $arg['cccvv']; //string Only available for card holder present initiated payment attempts.
    $remote_id= $arg['gateway_id']; //Gateway remote stored token for payment attempts.

Invoice Variables

    // Invoice Parameters
    $invoiceid = $arg['invoice']['invoiceid'];
    $description = $arg['invoice']['description'];
    $amount = $arg['invoice']['amount'];
    $currencyCode = $arg['invoice']['currency'];

Client Variables

    // Client Parameters
    $firstname = $arg['client']['firstname'];
    $lastname = $arg['client']['lastname'];
    $email = $arg['client']['email'];
    $address1 = $arg['client']['address1'];
    $address2 = $arg['client']['address2'];
    $city = $arg['client']['city'];
    $state = $arg['client']['state'];
    $postcode = $arg['client']['postcode'];
    $country = $arg['client']['country'];
    $phonenumber = $arg['client']['phonenumber'];

System Variables

    // System Parameters
    $companyname = $arg['system']['companyname'];
    $systemurl = $arg['system']['systemurl'];
    $siteurl = $arg['system']['siteurl'];
    $returnurl = $arg['system']['returnurl'];