In the Smarty template language, template variables take the format {$variable_name}
Template Parameters
The following template parameters are made accessible to all system themes and order form templates:
Parameter | Description |
{$BASE_PATH_CSS} | The base URL to common CSS assets. |
{$BASE_PATH_FONTS} | The base URL to common font assets. |
{$BASE_PATH_IMG} | The base URL to common image assets. |
{$BASE_PATH_JS} | The base URL to common JavaScript assets. |
{$charset} | The configured character set. |
{$client} | The currently logged in client, or null if a client is not logged in. |
{$companyname} | The configured company name. |
{$date_day} | The current calendar day. |
{$date_month} | The current calendar month. |
{$date_year} | The current calendar year. |
{$filename} | The base name of the current file requested by the web browser. |
{$language} | The name of the language to display to the user. |
{$loggedin} | true or false depending on whether a client is logged in. |
{$logo} | The path to the configured logo image. |
{$pagetitle} | The current page’s title. |
{$reCaptchaPublicKey} | The configured reCAPTCHA site key. This can be an empty string if the WHASOLS installation does not use Google reCAPTCHA. |
{$systemNonSSLURL} | The configured non-SSL URL. |
{$systemsslurl} | The configured SSL URL. |
{$systemurl} | The URL to the WHASOLS system. This is either the SSL or non-SSL URL depending on whether the current page loaded via HTTPS. |
{$template} | The name of the system theme used for display. |
{$todaysdate} | The current date, presented in l, jS F Y format. |
{$token} | A CSRF token to use on POST forms. |
{$WEB_ROOT} | Your WHASOLS system’s base URL. |
Add the line given below to your template file, for a complete listing of all variables available to you in a given template file. Then, use a browser the page that calls the template. You will receive a popup list of all available template data.