Removing frozen email from EXIM (Frozen emails)

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Removing frozen email from EXIM (Frozen emails)

What are frozen emails:

      Cpanel/WHM can lock down emails for several reasons because they are hazardous or can't be delivered, or they wree frozen by a locking commnad of some time.  A few frozen emails are normal however after a while many frozen emails in the EXIM system can clog your email system on the entire server.  


Removing frozen emails: 

You may only do this if you have ROOT access to your Cpanel/WHM server and you must be logged on as root via SSH.  A warning, these docs are us at your own risk.  First, determine the number of frozen emails you have with this command:

exim -bp | grep -c frozen
This will produce a number of frozen emails in the exum 

To remove these frozen emails use command:
exim -bpr | grep frozen | awk {'print $3'} | xargs exim -Mrm
You should see your emails delete one by one. re-issue the command
exim -bp | grep -c frozen
You should see that the number listed is smaller.  SUCCESS.

We recommend now resetting exim to see if it restarts cleanly:
service exim restart

DONE......your mail queue should run much smoother now.