WHASOLS Now Available
1.1. Improved Application loading
1.2. DB Queries optimized
1.3. Some Changes in Database like (Columns Size, New Columns)
1.4. Cron Jobs Enable/Disable feature added.
1.5. Cron Jobs Executed/Non Executed feature added.
1.6. Select Dropdown and Notifications popup custom libraries added.
1.7. Server Configuration form imporved.
1.8. Whois Lookup improved.
1.9. Installer improved (Errors, Requirements, code)
1.10. PHP 8.2 support added (Now WHASOLS working with PHP 8.2).
2. API developed and implemented
2.1. API Key generation and Managment added.
2.2. API single IP and full IP pool whitelisting added.
2.3. 170+ API method added. (Orders, Promotions, Billing, Module, Support, System, Client, Cart, Products, Users, Affiliates, Domains, Servers, Tickets, Service)
3. WHASOLS Updater improved
4. SMS Manager bug fixed.
5. Static Assets/Icons loading fixed.
6. Restrict the ability for your customers and guest ticket owners to close tickets if Opened by Admin/Admins
7. 3rd Party Modules Changes/added:
7.1 Cosmotown Registrar changes
7.2 cPanel code changes
7.3 Mail Modules added (ZeptoMail, Mailgun, Postmark, Sendgrid)
7.4 Captcha Modules added (GeeTest Captcha, hCaptcha, Procaptcha, Image Captcha)