Deliver the best payments experience for your merchants and their customers across every channel and every device: in-store, mobile, online or self-service. All from a single payment gateway platform.
We made an extremely simple and clear interface. Instead of adding more elements to work with, we prefer to remove as much as possible. The main goal was to improve the ergonomics of the control panel by reducing unnecessary movements and operations. It is all about using less, because less is more. We hope you will love it as we do.
VoguePay is a unique online payment processor whose vision is to offer buyers and sellers a secure and easy-to-use means of transacting business online.
Our WebNIC Registrar module built to integration as a domain registrar at WHMSOLS.
After the integration you can setup WebNIC as the default registrar for your customers and decide which services and TLDs to offer to your customers from within the WHMSOLS admin area.
FIS may be a new name to you, but you've probably used our technology. Our solutions power mobile banking, systems to pay for your cup of coffee or the tools your bank uses to manage your assets.
FIS is already a part of your life. At FIS, we:
FIS may be a new name to you, but you've probably used our technology. Our solutions power mobile banking, systems to pay for your cup of coffee or the tools your bank uses to manage your assets.
FIS is already a part of your life. At FIS, we: